Why wait? Apply for Altrusa Membership today!
At the bottom of this page, there is a fillable membership application. Complete it and give it to your local Altrusa Club President or email your application to our District Membership Chair Nancy Gill so that an Altrusan can contact you about membership. 
Thank you for your interest in being part of our dynamic service organization, Altrusa International! Altrusa members have provided service to communities around the globe since 1917. While Altrusa's focus is literacy, our service projects are far-reaching from helping young moms, students, the elderly, veterans, the hungry, the homeless, citizens of developing countries, and so much more!
We enjoy providing opportunities for networking, for creating wonderful friendships, for developing leaders, for enhancing members' skills and for having fun creating an impact with other women and men who care.
We welcome all women and men who want to make service to others an important part of their life.
Are you interested in finding out more about Altrusa?
Contact us today for a no obligation invitation to talk with an Altrusan and visit your closest local Altrusa club! If there is not a club in your local area, we do have a program to join an existing club electronically or to help you charter a new Altrusa club in your community.
    Enter your email address and the message you want to send.
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    Why wait? Apply for Membership today!
    Email completed application to our District Membership Chair Nancy Gill or give it to your local Altrusa Club President!