Are you an established professional or service-minded woman or man who wants to make positive changes in your community and the world? Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service, leadership and friendship. Being an Altrusan connects you with a diverse group of people who share your drive to positively impact our world.
Check out "Our Impact" numbers below!

Are you interested in becoming a better leader in a fun and interesting environment? Join us for our new “Leadership Reads” Book Club, which will include thought-provoking discussions around a variety of leadership books. All Altrusans are welcome to participate, regardless of whether you hold an official leadership position or are just interested in learning about the topics.
Altrusa International, Inc. and Days for Girls have come together in partnership to improve the lives of women and girls internationally.
Days for Girls (DfG) is creating a world with dignity, health, and opportunity for all, through sustainable menstrual care solutions and health education. They envision a world where girls can attend school, pursue opportunities and succeed even when they have their periods.
Together Altrusa and DfG can provide girls and women in the world with essential health education, sustainable and affordable feminine products, break the silence of shame, and change the narrative to one of celebration and pride. Individual Altrusa clubs can support DfG through online fundraising, collecting supplies for kits, connecting with local DfG chapters, or sewing for kits.
Since 1946, Altrusa International has held observer status at the United Nations (UN). At that time, Altrusa was the first international classified service club for then executive and professional women to have an official observer appointed to the United Nations, Frances K. Marquis, president of the New York City (NYC)Altrusa Club. Frances was a close friend to another active NYC Altrusan, Eleanor Roosevelt. Eleanor Rooselt delivered an address at the 1945 San Francisco UN Conference on International Organization and later then President Harry S. Truman appointed Mrs. Roosevelt to Chair the famous UN Human Rights Committee.
In 1978, our UN membership was assigned to the level of a NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) in roster status within the ECOSOC (the Economic and Social Council). In this capacity, we join together with other NGOs, empowered to attend open General Assembly sessions and UN briefings/conferences related solely to global and social concerns, and receive UN Ground Passes.